Monday, November 10, 2008

Of God’s SoS

The beautiful summer I have enjoyed a stretch til now since March. When my vision of a scowling chief in full regalia, a long draping war bonnet of eagle feathers marking his regal position as leader appeared to me. Arms raised above his head and seeming there but not – a transparency staring deeply into my eyes. I distinctly heard “Son of Satan”, though I didn’t detect his lips moving. Then a tale began being channeled to me, and the ominous figure faded off, replaced with dark figres floating in a line, one after another abve me. They flew near the ceiling, darkened indistinguishable from each other, like blackened burlap bags, moving frm the east wall across the room departing to the West. They had returned from a hallowed huntng ground God did save for them. From the land of the setting moon and sun they did cme. I was reassured of their presence, for my room filled with a musky smoke smell of a century old campfire. Why i wasn’t at all surprised or upset is a long story, that, if i’m successful, will not be here to finish. On that first weekend of March, an angel of God began showing me a story of which I am the key component, and he lived in my thoughts only and has never reappeared in physical form since the title given me. By Monday I was aware of what had just transpired in my dimly lit room. And, as always the case, when testifying to a revelation, I quickly assumed the title Outcast as well. I dO testify a glimpse of Heaven given me, and a dire warning of doom closing in on our nation. A body, but more importantly of soul, I since then and unto death, am to be our nation’s lost conscience. I am God’s children’s Ghost Dancers Son of Satan. If I must remain in exile of all to keep them safe from the evil I am destined to attract, it will be done. I have made a vow to God and am compelled to serve as the second son sending you a message much as the first son, Jesus, though in Satan’s name. The angel shaman chief looked through my eyes for one day in Madison [spoke thru me] to see what we have made from the land we stole frm his kind, and he reported to God our Father what his children on Earth have done to his Eden, and how we have so direly lost the path to his Kingdom. I didn’t realize Chief Bigfoot in me until I entered the barber shop, our first stop. I had seen two hawks soaring a mile above me while walking the short distance to the busstop, but decided to spruce up at the barber shop just across the road. By now the Chief had told me we were related. He, my grandfather. And as we entered the doorway of the barber, I stopped, and declared to the ever present and complying barber, “Make me look like one of you.” That was my cue – it was WE, not I, on this excursion. I sat on the chair and spoke of the story given me, when out blurted the Chief: “I have come to where a nation calls its Heart, and I have found none.” I spoke of being hurt by cars and the barber told me to use the bike paths available. And again Chief commented in a speech not heard by either me or Bill [barbr] as he calmly cut my hair: “We must ALL find another path than that of the Horse-with-No-Soul.” As i left, Bill asked how my story ends, and I used a word I now only use in regards to my soul. I replied, “I fear it is not good.” Thirty years a barber, he will always remember us.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Ghost Dancer's Son

Curses and Legends
by Allan Mad-I-Siouxson God's SOS of Madison

Curses and Legends

Written August 2008

Curses and Legends

by Allan of Madison

of Attercophouse

I have written a story by satan’s son, being now here in Madison among the nation, world, and at a bad time, an average Joe, born in Milwaukee, a boomer by generation. He is here. He is telling, assuring you it is indeed I in this title, but my father will be livid. For as God’s SOS, I am here to tell our Maker’s word in Satan’s name.

I was rescued from hell by angels of our creator to become ”I” amidst mad-son – it is where I am as well as where I’m from. I am Allan of Madison. I needed time to get some strength. I needed an angel of our Lord, creator, keeper of our souls, or what name for love, peace, unity, WISDOM you may choose. Now is the time to pray while bowing heads and holding each others’ hands, so that we can live when we die. In this world – even to the oldest known – a lifetime is the flash of a firefly in endless ages of a sweet, warm summer’s night.

God has built inside of us the eternal energy of our souls as an energy battery – it does need recharging! God has placed the energy for our super battery – our souls – inside each of us. This is the catch: You have inside your body the power – positive or negative energy – to control not your soul’s life but the souls of your neighbors, friends, family, world. Our creator gave us the energy created by our emotions to be the source. It is the arc generated through all souls, bending to Unity and the wisdom of God. Emotions of love are the only power , the key to deliver us unto Heaven’s Gate. Emotions are the secret of life. They were told by Jesus long ago before the legacy of time and false testimony clouded his message.

To us who are old and to you, our children, I speak now as God’s SOS: We have drifted so far from him! Believe what I say – our creator is in distress that so many will soon drift away. They drift from God’s rope, the safety line of our souls. We must reach for it and fear no evil. Fear is an emotion that robs our bodies, minds, and souls, disposing them empty. Empty but filled with hate and greed. The negative emotions snatch good energy to surge its power back toward evil. The earth and universe are ruled by energies – negative and positive, evil and good. Be assured – they all exist. They are representatives of the circle of life and members of all the cycles that balance our Earth. The tree of life is here as we consume it. We devour its fruit while satan bides near and unseen. You see, to Heaven satan has no key; but to our Eden he’s been given the keys. The power granted to evil has bestowed them to him. Son of Satan – Me, Allan of Madison, an All-of-Mad-I-Son, testify in our creator’s name: The power for satan to stand in our midst now exists. The Snake is in our garden. Mounting upon the trickster, the cloud of mankind’s haze, the negative emotions hang like a static, charging the wheels of his vehicle. He is biding beside us. The question isn’t why is God here then. The question is why isn’t God here. The question isn’t does God talk to us. The question is why doesn’t God talk to us. The question isn’t why are we alive. The question is why aren’t we alive. The question isn’t why haven’t we discovered life beyond the Earth. The question is: Why haven’t THEY discovered us?

Children, work together, support people promoting peace and environmental respect. I am sorry that it’s up to the young to make serious concessions . For you the young know and love too many things of this society which all who love gun, truck and phone mis-use and over-use. These inventions by man are classified satan’s tools by our maker.

It is the curse of the Ghost Dancers upon us. An average Joe, me, will confuse a nation, maybe offend. This story is to enlighten, not frighten. It is the children’s souls God hopes to restore. The Ghost Dance curse partly intends to show us how it feels to hear God speaking Satan’s words – the way we did to them by preaching our God to them, even saying how we were created in God’s image, but then mouthing satan’s words when we took their land, their lifestyle, and their lives. We took from them, killing them in many battles, even murdering them as they, under white flags, attempted to give up. We shot children, women , and babies as they fled for their lives in vain. I am to be God’s SOS, his message, but in satan’s name. For me, being one of you, means I’m not satan’s only child! God is saying we are becoming far too many satan’s children. The base denominator becomes good vs. evil, an imbalanced, masqueraded tug of WAR. Unto this state and nation we have forfeited God’s graces with our masses of mass destruction of man and nature in God's name . You see, God will be enraged at your using God’s name to carry on Satan's work. And Satan will be enraged I'm coming in his name to save humans from the archdemon's grip. If I save but only one soul with these words, Satan will silence me.

In the spans of time that will turn this Now into the distant past, these words may ensure the growth of the tree which we plant beside the Tree of Life. Our family trees and our branching children will know son of satan as a man who vowed his soul to hell to end a curse upon his family and to end the damnation of a nation governed not by God, but (by divine design) by a curse we give to ourselves! In the eyes of these descendants, their distant past and our Now will be regarded with reverence as biblical, the founding of a child gone astray, one who was cursed to be lifted from hell to preach in satan’s name the same message as Jesus the first son. God our spiritual parent first creates us to be children of a universe, children of the forces that rule here, where curses and blessings are created only by our energy. These are biblical times but they go unseen as satan does among us. By glimpsing heaven, the son of God and son of satan both are filled with enough positive energy to lift souls weakened but not reprobate. Both of these sons of man vowed to undergo any sacrifice to become tools for God. Soon I will go into the Garden, into the valley of the shadow of Dog-Man, the grave guardian and creature keeper of the underworld, the incubus of the pyramids, the tall wolf-man with long pointy ears on the top of his head. I am calling It from its hiding place. I am to show all who care that the beast is in our garden. I will be in harm’s way, body and soul, for it will want my soul in eternal turmoil, sorrow, and discontent till madness consumes my being’s essence. I don’t want the U.S. , us, to be remembered as another Rome, though our nation’s place in this world and the next is in need of repair. It seems more likely we are headed the fated way of Atlantis. If harmony with nature is not soon established, our Eden , our America the beautiful, will be consumed by us as it was by Adam and Eve. Our arena of fruits, our Tree of Life, will be consumed by us, the Adams and Eves, who so dearly love the richness it renders. In history’s depictions of Adam and Eve in Eden, a snake smiles right behind them while they consume the fruit, even though they, so consumed, do not see him! The snake is Satan, today, here. It is my Dog-man behind us waiting for us to complete the act of consuming nature. Unless creation is rendered its reverence, we pay our enemy body and soul for our prosperity.

My father in life told me a few words of a grandmother who was gone, a few words of an Indian Princess until again she was gone. She came again to me through the curse dance. I believe she is the granddaughter of the Shaman Chief who appeared to me -- the scowling faced angel, who after growling my sos title, did channel thoughts in a soft tone. I think he knew God had picked me to help undo hate, to put remorse in hate’s place, to turn anger into regret – such is the power of remorse’s emotion to undo the curse now set in motion. For the Chief saw I was his granddaughter’s great-grandson and that I was to wear the title satan’s son, a curse by definition, to bring a lifetime of pain, agony, sorrow, despair, shame, and death to a white man, satan’s son, me, Chief’s great grandson. Curses come by nature and by man and not by God. Undoing curses comes by…appointment? Let it be known that only through the grant of love, peace, unity, and wisdom may the curse-dance’s people vent their doom upon their enemies and find that we the enemy have become a part of them. At that time, we the remorseless will know remorse and at last understand that we, body and soul, are tied and related to all things. The curse must take effect in order to be reversed. GoDsSOS: to Me, to You, and to the Great Chief.

My mother’s great-grandfather acquired a land grant from a homestead act allotment issued in 1866. On this property WAS an ancient burial ground which was desecrated by a family member circa 1936, in order to discourage the Anishnabe people from visiting the site. This I first found out in 2006 from my last living aunt. Knowing that this graveyard once stood – now dismantled, unmarked, invisible – I now see with haunted vision the gravest of sites. The Ghost-Dancers’ curse now warns that we have all but sealed our fate. We live with too much disregard, consuming the apple, the water, the trees, the animals, the air. This nature out of balance will have to shift so not to fall. The consequence of this, this curse of nature, I will call upon. You – do spend each day as your last in all the aspects you can allow yourself. When we look at each other as one nation, we are the past as we are the future. We are the power of spirit to create good and the presence of mind to sense or at least recognize evil’s presence.

On a note of comedy and inquiry, why me so cursed? When I found out for sure there was a ‘grave sight’ on my family’s land, that is had been virulently violated to desecrate the respect from familial Algonquin tribes, I told God: I want to amend the grave sins of my family to prove my shame and my guilt. I want to amend my family and nation’s grave sins inflicted upon a people, who went from seeing us as Gods to knowing us as Satans. Will I not give my own soul to save it? I will take on a curse to undo a curse. Souls, so they can live on and be lifted to heaven, need the given help of love. Love, peace, and unity create the spiritual arc, the energy to lift us to the next level. Without it, our souls are alive but dead, exist but do not even remind – they are a forgotten grave site.

I am the son of Satan, allanofmadison@yahoo.comm,
raver of - unwoven onweb, condensed and dense for You. Curses and Legends come to you. Go to your garden. I do. I will. I now go to the garden. I go to the valley in the name of evil to coax out the evil hiding there. I will daunt the Dog-Man’s dale. Pray, nay beg, for my succour from satan, from the shadow of a beast, the dogman of local legend. In 1990, its existence was revealed in print. In 1990, there came the one-hundred year mark of merciless massacre of Ghost-Dancers at Wounded Knee. The massacred were Sioux led by Chief Big Foot, a moniker of Dogman, a man of greatness among his people, and familiar with my town, with my valley of the shadow of death. Hear me: My soul is the sole subject of my pleas! For I am one of Satan’s children. At this crossroads of history, this consumptive coming of age, I am mad, I am angry that we let Satan win. It is goodness which consumes evil and evil which consumes goodness. If too many of us, past and present, remain on the path to Hell’s Gate, we commit mortal sins in God’s name by killing people who hold the life force of our souls. We set our souls adrift. We set our souls in the danger of loss and being lost. The path we daily walk must lead us back to respect: Of man, of earth, of the Keeper of our essence, soul, and lifeforce. In this story, the keeper's name is God. He and She and It is love and peace, and the unity of man with nature, man with man, man with himself -- the unity of mind, of body, of soul. So elusive to us, this wisdom may earn us the possibility to achieve a unity of man with universe.

When we ask the question: Is there life out there in the vastness of all space? We ask the wrong question. The burning question we fail to ask is this: Why ISN’T there life out there?! For we want to forget, and we fear to remember, we are God’s fiercest creature and Earth, ah Earth, may be our cage! We the violent, the advancing, the devouring, the devolving – we shout Danger to all who wish to enter or enjoy, even to our own neighbors! Stamp upon my soul: Godssos. His message is entrusted to me, a child of satan, who found a path to heaven by way of the Ghost Dancers’ Curse. The cry of the dancers is “You did not win after all“. The outcome is up to us, not God, if this be a wrong or right call. I am the second son in the Cage with you, and, like the first, engraved with similar mission, do call satan out from the Garden. I wonder if I, like Jesus waiting in the garden of Gethsemone to face evil, will face the beast in the Moraine Valley. I wonder if I will find he is still anger, fear, and hate – the negative powers of man, the beast which humans have fed to life.

--Allan of Madison…GoDs.SoS, and, only in name, Son of Satan

The following was edited but not composed by Nathan, son of Paul Michael Hillman, apprentice to Allan, Son of Pitiful Child. I (Nathan) am his earthy neighbour and earthly guard, and the benevolent spirit within his Court. He has dubbed me the Highwayman, the Builder of the Time Machine, the Dweller of the Little Big Room, and the Gnome and Imp of Night.

Here follows Allan's original version:

Curses and Legends

August 2008

Curses and Legends, by Allen of Madison.

I have written a story of satans’ son being now here in Madison among the nation , world, and at a bad time, an average Joe, born in Milwaukee , a boomer generation, is here telling assuring you it is I,in this title , but my father will be livid, for it is with God’sos , I am to tell, our makers word in satans’ name. I was rescued from hell by angels of our creator to become”I” amidst mad- son , it is where I am at, as well as from , I am Allan of Madison. There’s a condensed story , on the dark side but rather short , www. bloglines then allanofmadison@yahoo.comm. I needed time to get some strength; an angel of our Lord ,creator, keeper of our souls, what name for love, peace ,unity, WISDOM you may choose, now is the time to pray while holding each others hands , while we bow heads, that we can live on when we die, for in this world, a lifetime , even to the oldest out there they know , a lifetime is as the flash of a firefly , in endless ages of , a sweet, warm summers night; the eternal energy of our souls God has built into us and literally can be described as an energy battery , it does need recharging . God has placed the energy for our supper battery, our souls inside each of us. The catch is you have inside your body the power positive or negative energy, to control not your souls’ life but your neighbors, friends, family, finally world. Our creator gave us the energy created by our emotions to be the source; and it is the arc generated through all souls of unity and in Gods’ wisdom, emotions of love are the only power , the key to deliver us through Heavens’ gate; the secret of life, told by Jesus, too long ago as the interpretations time and false testimony have clouded our message. To us who are old and you , our children, I clearly now speak God’s S.O.S we have drifted so far from him ; believe what I say, our creator is in distress ‘ that so many will soon drift away….this , Gods’ rope , safety line for our souls. We must reach out and fear no evil for fear is an emotion that does rob from our bodies, minds ,and souls as hatefulness and greed. The negative emotions take good energy to distribute the power to evil, the earth and universe by energies of neg. pos. – good , evil, , be assured are ruled and all these exist. They are representatives of the circle of life , members of the many cycles that balance our Earth, the tree of life is here as we consume its’ fruit while satan bides near though not seen. You see , to Heaven satan has no key but in our Eden the keys by the power granted evil, he has been given. Son of satan ; me Allan of Madison , all-an-of-mad-I- son, testify in our creators’ name , the power for satan to be in our midst now exists, the snake is in our garden , with neg. emotions its’vehicle, he is biding beside us.Children ,work together , vote for people promoting peace and environmental respect.I am sorry that its up to the young to make serious concessions , for you know and love many things of todays’ society that regrettably to all who love their gun , truck, phone,etc..because of too much mis-use, over-use, these of mans’ invention are classified satans’ tools, by our maker. It is the curse of the Ghost Dancers , an average Joe ,me, will confuse a nation ,maybe offend, this story is to enlighten , not frighten , it is the children s’ souls God is hoping to restore.The Ghost Dance curse in part is to give an idea of how it feels to have God speaking satans’ words, as we did to them by preaching our God to them and how we were even created in Gods’ image, but then spoke satans’ words , when we took their land, and lifestyle, from them, and killing many in battles, and even murdering many as they , under white flags , attempted to give-up, including shooting children, women , and babies as they fled for their lives in vain.I am to be Gods’SOS, his message , but in satans’ name .For me being one of you, means I’m not satans’ only child, God is saying ,we are becoming ,far too many, satans’ children. It is becoming good vs. evil, a tug of WAR, and to this nation , we have lost our Gods’ graces with so much mass destruction of man and nature IN GODS’ NAME.You see , Satan will be enraged , using his name to help save you from its’ grip. If I save but only one soul with these words Satan will silence me. In the spans of time that will eventually make now become distant past, these words may be used to insure the growth of the tree we plant beside the tree of life , our family trees and our future children will know son of satan as a man who vowed his soul to hell to end a curse on his family and the damnation a nation is heading by not God , but by his design , a curse we give ourselves..To these descendants, our now, this time of ours, their distant past will be regarded with reverence as biblical times , the coming of a child gone astray , who was cursed to be in satans’ name lifted from hell to preach the same message as Jesus the first son . God our spiritual parent creates us to be children of a universe first, to the forces that rule here and where curses and blessings are only created by our energy. These are biblical times , though as unseen as satan among us , for the son of God and satan , where , through a glimpse of heaven , both filled with enough positive energy to lift souls weakened but not reprobate. Both sons of man who vowed any sacrifice to become tools for God Soon I will go to the garden, into the valley of the shadow of Dog-man, this creature is linked to grave guardian and keeper of the underworld, as the incubus of the pyramids, the tall wolf-man with long pointy ears on the top of his head. I am calling it from its’ hiding place.. I am to show all who care, the beast is in our garden, I will be in harms way, body and soul, for it will want my soul in eternal turmoil , sorrow, discontent, till madness eventually consumes the essence of my being. I don’t want the U.S. ,us, to be remembered as another Rome, though our nations popularity in the world and next world, is in need of repair.It seems more likely we are headed for Atlantis’ fate, if a harmony with nature is not established soon, our Eden , our America the beautiful, is literally in the arena of the fruit of the Tree of Life being consumed by us, the Adams and Eves, that so dearly love all the richness it renders. In pictures of Adam &Eve in Eden , consuming the fruit , a snake smiles rite behind them though they , so consumed do not see him. The snake of course is Satan, today, here, it is my Dog-man who is behind us waiting for us to complete the act of consuming nature, without , the reverence nature deserves , and ultimately requires for our prosperity body and soul.

My father in life told me of a grandmother, that was gone , but a few words of her and being an Indian Princess were said till again she was gone. She did return again to me through the curse dance as I believe her to be the grand daughter of the Shaman Chief who appeared to me , the scowling faced angel , who after growling my sos title, did channel thoughts in a soft tone, I think he too knew God had picked me to help undo hate , and the emotion of remorse in hates place , the energy of which anger is turned to regret and will undo this curse which now set in motion.For the chief saw it was his granddaughters great grand son that he is to wear the title satans’ son . A curse by definition to bring a lifetime of pain , agony, sorrow, dispair, shame , and death, to a white man , satans’ son, me, Chiefs’ great grand son.Curses are by nature and man not by God and let it be known that of love, peace, and unity, least forget wisdom , is what granted a stage for the people of a curse dance to vent doom to their enemies and found they , we have become a part of them .Understand to all things we are all related, body and soul .GoDsSOS, to me ,you, and the Great Chief .

My Mom’s great granddad acquired a land grant from a homestead act allotment issued in 1866, and, on this property WAS an ancient burial grounds , which was desecrated by a family member circa1936, to hopefully , discourage the Anishnabe peoples from visiting the site. This I found out about in 06 , thru my last aunt alive, and knowing this cemetery is there but dismantled , unmarked, invisible, to me envisions the gravest of sites.Ghost-Dancers curse is warning we may have all but sealed our fate ,with too much disregard , while the apple we consume, the water, trees, animals, air. Nature out of balance will have to shift so not to fall , this a curse of nature we call. Please spend each day as your last in as many aspects you can allow yourself. When we look at each other as one nation , we are the past, as we are the future, we are the power of spirit to create good and the presence of mind to sense or at least recognize evils’ presence. On a lighter note, why me so cursed, when finding out that for sure there was a grave sight on my family’s land, for it was violated to discourage their descendants ,the native Algonqiun tribe from paying anymore respect. I told God , I want to amend the grave sins of my family to prove my shame, guilt, for my family and nations grave sins , inflicted on a people , who went from seeing us as Gods to Knowing us as Satans. Souls, to live on, and be lifted to heaven , are given help by love. Love, peace, unity; create the spiritual arc , energy, to lift us to the next level, without it , our souls , are there but not there, as a forgotten grave – site.

I am the son of Satan, allanofmadison@yahoo.comm - www.bloglines- for condensed. Curses and Legends.; about the garden , with valley in its name, where I will coax out the evil hiding there, pray , to save me from satan , the shadow of a beast, the dogman a local legend , in 1990 ,its existence revealed in print , and to the day , the one-hundred year mark of Ghost-Dancers merciless massacre at Wounded Knee,.A Sioux tribe led by Chief Big Foot, a man of greatness among their nation, also his moniker , familiar to the town ,so near, my valley of the shadow of death. But it is only my soul , be the subject of my pleas, for I am one of Satans’ children , at this time in history, but I am mad , angry ,that we let Satan win , it is goodness, evil consumes , if too many of us remain on the path towards hells’ gates, we past and present ,in Gods’ name commit mortal sins by killing people who hold the life force of our souls. We’re , on so many levels , adrift , our souls , in danger of being lost. The path we take each day must begin leading us back to a respect of man ,earth, and the keeper of our essence, soul, our lifeforce, In this story , the name is God. It is love ,peace, unity of man and nature, man and man, man and himself, mind ,body,soul., and this elusive to us, wisdom , may earn us the possibility to achieve a unity of man and universe, for when we ask if there is life out there , in the vastness of all of space, we should be more concerned about why there is not.For we are Gods fiercest creature and it may be Earth our cage and we so violent and advanced, our creator we have shown it is dangerous to enter ,Godssos….. that is why his message is entrusted to me, a child of satan, who found there is a path to heaven , by way of the Ghost Dancers’ Curse. The cry of the dancers is “ you did not win after all “. But it is up to us not God, if this be a wrong or right call. I am the second son in the cage with you, and like the first the same mission to do, call out satan from the garden , I wonder if once again, like Jesus , waiting in the garden of Gatsimony to face evil as I in the Morraine Valley, will find Satan is still anger, fear, and hate , the neg. powers in man , is the beast. …….Allan of Madison….GoDs.SoS….and only in name Son of Satan………

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Snake's in the Garden

By AllanofMadison, July 11, 2008

Dear America,. This, a condensed writ, of our creator's words in satan's name, and is the native american's, ancestors, "Ghost Dancers Son of Satan Ritual", that be my curse and I pray our nation's blessing, to inform you , satan is here, for it is his gates we are very near, and the end of all times, is in reference,to our souls, eternal energy, though, inside hell's gates,eventually, our souls are consumed by the silent , dark, eternal solitude, which hell does be. We do know evil abounds in our country. God's words, have been disregarded , for our modern day high tech lifestyle, has left Jesus, unfound and near forgotten. We search the website for help and guidance, I pray, this now be a tool for our souls redemption . Our children must begin their lives with fear of violence, abduction, abuse , and as we know, in our children's schools, young souls, satan has begun to take for his biding. God is not dead, he is and always was, in our forests,though sad and disappointed at what we have become, it was a child, who did "call him out of the woods" this year, that did anger him, so, as to, snatch the young teens soul from satan, in that moment, and allow, it now the time, I, Ghost Dancers Son of Satan , to, in the one we call, God's, words, and in satans name, warn us that we are being lead to satan's gates. It is for our children , that curses and legends ,now be told, for their young minds need far more answers and their young , still searchful spirit, need a savior. The children see their nation, provoke a war on a holyland nation with a far less than honorable reason for our engagement. We adults have witnessed our armies deployment to other such unprovoked wars against cultures , who , as we spilled their blood , would have , in the absence of our aggretion , easily become our closest friends. It is this warring nature , of our nation ,but more importantly , in the one we call, God.s name, that I now this year 2008, in his true name, assure you, for speaking satan.s word in his ,our makers name, for killing his beloved children, in his name, oh nation under God , it is with him , you now are not.For I have seen his angels , spirits , that our forefathers called bucks and squaws, denizens of the forest. We, our ancestors, lived beside them and they , adopted our religion, because they did believe we were made by and of God's image. But , it was the ones we call native Americans, that did always know Gods', true name , and the one we call God ,did always know them as beloved children, for they adored nature, as if it he, and were the keepers of his garden. In his name they fought us, for their garden, and they, at the final stages of defeat ,prayed ,in ceremonial song and dance , for his help, it was named the Ghost Dance. This history lesson , now is sponsored through ,our creators angels, who ,with his blessings, revealed to me, it is a curse, granted , to be now spoke of and written. Our armies were told to put an end to this dance and history of it be ; when dancing ; bullets would not harm them and spirits of their fallen warriors would return to reclaim and defeat us, the serpeant, in their Eden.The army did know more of it , for the entire title of the ceremony came to their headquarters in abbreviation, it was the Ghost Dancers Son of Satan Ritual, and with the quilt pens of those days ,which are really not that long ago, it abbreviated " G@DS SOS RIT ". So it is, a curse , in legend of religion,,a son would rise , as did Jesus ,but it would be one of us; a reguler Joe , Allan, in fact, to rise from ,what we call the heartland, with no.'s his kind and he all wear to identify the cursed and very near damned. And this Allan, of Madison, whom now is compelled to claim the title; son of satan;and must speak our saviors words in satans name ,to have any chance for my redemption. I do pray you believe,we must now bow and hold each other, hands & hearts to stop satan , for he is leading us to his gates, that is why we do feel more evil and even see his angels,in the form of, the beasts ,we report seeing, but are not God's"creatures, we can not kill or encage. For they patrol hell's gates,and as evil overtakes good , our world , nation , may see their presence increase. I Allan of Madison am now among you , and where I hale from, is exactly as it reads, I , amidst "mad-son", we have become satan' s children , so many of us, and consumed in curses and legends , I must, call my father "out of the woods", and my soul, he will take back from "God" , to silence me , for it does enrage him , I did escape from hell, to profess "God's" word ,in his name!tThough , I found the path to heaven, it be of a curse, why I am lead back to hell. To you who pray for me , and do know "Gods" name , I will die, like did Jesus for you. When the blanket of summer vacationers , be removed from, a remnance of eden not far from here,in which" valley", a part of it"s name, I will walk in the shadow of a local , beastly legend , called by the name Dog-man, and I must"call it out of its' hiding place ". Through a curse ,now ,legend , I and you , pray know it's true name, it will silence my body and harbor my soul. My death will be described as, a hellishly fiendish attack. And with my self sacrifice,I pray our nation look for love ,peace ,and unity with all of creation, as did the one's of my curse, this life on earth is a ,fleeting moment, in eternity, the true name of God is each other, and all his creatures ,and here mother earth , all that is nature, God's wife. Stop killing ,start anew now ,work as one great nation , for it is only in unity of hearts ,minds, and spirit, SOBER,for we are now in pergatory! Your God is sending a help me signal , and I am dieing to tell you , reach out to each other dear nation , who must again be reminded , as those who do know God's true name, we must somehow learn to lay with the lion and the lamb,or we will be for eternity,in utter discontent , alone in darkness , with our keeper, whose gates we ,in death, be imprisoned. The mysterious beasts, of legend, that take God's place,more and more in our woods,and their names are snow-man,moth-man, lizard-man, dog- man,etc… and also know their true name, as evil , casting out "God", from the woods, as it becomes no longer"Eden".

To Joan at the station , who will know God's true name ,I hope this helps you , for Jesus did introduce you to me , He and my great father, who be a red man , both channeled through me, and please pray , that I some day will see and know our creator,for he did hear me when I solemnly vowed to play any part to show my shame for our sins to man and nature, that has lead us so near hells gates .I hope ,pray, that curses , through peace love and unity be , one day, lifted from , so many this nations' souls . And the legends of great and wonderous beasts , seen roaming Eden, with us , be , of , only, heavens design. Yours truly, Allan of Madison,a.k.a. , son of satan………………………………………………I can be found this summer next to St. Michael , who sings Gods' word ,on the path named after St. Martin L. King , and directly in sight of the great temple that satan has helped us construct in honor of ourselves…….. for Jesus , did say," build , your lives, of my words , love, peace. And unity, of you a new temple, meaning, thoughts, brain, mindset, and this I do ask ,for you to try once more, in this, the new,biblical times….Allan of Madison; GoDsSOS and Ghost Dancers Son of Satan ….move together, from the path satan is leading us……